Enabling a unanimous Seattle City Council vote in favor of a direct surplus sale; Managing a unique Burke-Gilman Trail oriented project
Applied Expertise
• Strategizing Client and Project Complexities • Project Team, Task and Timeline Management • Permitting Expedition • City and Community Group Engagement

Completing a City of Seattle surplus acquisition for a full block assemblage across the street from the Dunn Lumber Company headquarters in lower Wallingford, to allow their operations to continue, amidst a City pause on surplus site sales. Managing and moving forward a project design that is Burke-Gilman Trail oriented and enables Dunn Lumber operations, in cooperation with the City of Seattle, Seattle Parks and community.
Since the Fall of 2015, Roy Street Group engaged with the City of Seattle for the purchase of an SDOT storage yard to Dunn Lumber. This included garnering support from the Mayor, City Council and public via expressing the significance of this site in enabling Dunn. The purchase allows Dunn to continue their headquarter operations in lower Wallingford, that have been there since 1931.
By engaging with the community since early 2016, Roy Street Group has helped enable Dunn Lumber to move forward into the future with a project design that allows for not only their operational needs but takes into consideration the community and marketplace. The team hosted an open house in early 2017 and a community site walk in Spring 2019. Many ideas emerged from these events, including the importance of capitalizing on the site’s adjacency to one of the busiest segments of the region’s Burke-Gilman Trail.

In late 2018, the City Council voted unanimously in favor for a direct sale of the formerly SDOT owned surplus site to Dunn Lumber. Ongoing tasks include maintaining continued neighborhood and community engagement in concert with Dunn’s development partner and design team.